Contact us

LED Tailor:
+358 44 766 91 00
Joensuunkatu 7, 24100 Salo 

Our headquarters is located within the Salo IoT Campus.

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Spectral Blue device support:

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Sales & support team contacts:

Our emails are in format You can also find our contact form at the bottom of this page.


Dr. Michel Schmidt
CEO, Ph.D. in Biochemistry

Karin Henricson
Executive Vice President, Global Sales Director
+358 44 766 9022

Bernhard Kückmann
Sales Director, Automotive and rescue
Based in Germany
+49 171 750 2889, bernhard.kueckmann

Sanne Hedeman
Sales Manager EMEA
+45 31 70 71 63
Based in Denmark

Science & hygiene control support

Dr. Kirsi Saukkonen
Senior Specialist, Infectious Diseases. Ph.D. in Infection Control
+358 40 631 0916

Office & Communications

Dipshi Aryal
Financial assistant
+358 44 493 6679

Suvi Seikkula
Communications and marketing manager
+358 40 5156407

Technical support

Virpi Sorri
Customer Experience Manager
+358 44 766 9021

Tuukka Autio
Product Manager
+358 45 124 79 88

Jari Olkkola
Product Development Manager
+358 40 027 70 30

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